Webinar: Social prescribing and its role in back to work support
05 March 2024
A 40-min webinar for HR professionals and line managers, in partnership with Working to Wellbeing.

About this event
It’s Social Prescribing Day on 10 March. But what is social prescribing? And how can it work as part of back-to-work support? Considering it’s about referral to local, non-clinical, services (such as volunteering, gardening, befriending etc) how practical is it in a workplace context?
These questions, and more, are discussion by Dr Julie Denning, Chartered Health Psychologist and Managing Director of Working To Wellbeing, and Kay Needle, Generali UK’s early intervention and rehabilitation expert.
Social prescribing is still a relatively new phenomena, yet emerging evidence suggests it can improve people’s health and wellbeing; especially those who are socially isolated and those with long term physical and / or mental health conditions. It’s even part of the NHS Long Term Plan. And Primary Care Networks have received funding to employ a social prescriber since 2019. Perhaps more importantly, for our purposes, it seems perfectly aligned with the biopsychosocial model that underpins the back to work support provided as part of group income protection.
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Expert Speakers

Dr Julie Denning
Chartered Health Psychologist
Working to Wellbeing
Dr Julie Denning is a Chartered Health Psychologist with over 17 years' experience in the vocational rehabilitation sector. As Managing Director of Working To Wellbeing Julie is responsible for the design and delivery of Vocational Rehabilitation services that are both multi and interdisciplinary in their approach. She manages and clinically supervises a team of Occupational Health Physiotherapists, Cognitive Behavioral Therapists and Occupational Therapists and has significant experience providing services within the insurance, occupational health and B2B sectors. Julie is Chair of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association.
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