WEBINAR - Are employees with Long Covid receiving the support they need?

A 30-minute webinar in advance of National Immunisation Month.

WEBINAR - Are employees with Long Covid receiving the support they need?

About this event

The TUC has suggested that employees perhaps aren’t receiving the support they need, in a report urging the government to designate Long Covid a disability for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010. The TUC says this will ensure legal rights to reasonable adjustments such as flexible working, disability leave and phased returns.*

The TUC found that two-thirds of employees had experienced some form of unfair treatment at work, ranging from harassment to being disbelieved about their symptoms or threatened with disciplinary action. One in seven said they had lost their job. The TUC says “failing to accommodate the 2m people who, according to ONS data, may be suffering from Long Covid in the UK, will create ‘new, long-lasting inequalities’”. *

We discuss what workplaces could and should be practically doing to help, regardless of a mandate.

* https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/mar/27/pushed-out-long-covid-sufferers-fight-for-fairness-in-the-workplace


This event has now concluded.

To request access to the recording, please contact eb.enquiries@generali.co.uk

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