Webinar - Cervical cancer screening: The vital role for employers

A 40-min webinar for HR professionals and line managers, in partnership with Check4Cancer.

Webinar - Cervical cancer screening: The vital role for employers

About this event

Around 1 in 3 gynaecological cancer cases are preventable, according to Cancer Research UK.* Yet, the impact of Covid-19 on all NHS cancer screening services continues to be felt; 3 in 10 of those eligible for screening do not take up the potentially life-saving offer.**

Women give various reasons for not attending, from work and childcare commitments to the anxiety of going to the GP surgery.

Register for this webinar to learn more…

From Professor Gordon Wishart, CEO and Chief Medical Officer of Check4Cancer, a leading early cancer detection company:

  • How screening tests can now be done in the comfort and privacy of an individual’s own home.
  • Why an increasing number of employers are including such support as part of employee benefit programmes.
  • The impact of the HPV vaccination. 

From Kay Needle, early intervention and rehabilitation expert at Generali UK Employee Benefits:

  • Kay shares her personal experience of receiving an abnormal screening result. She discusses the importance of catching issues early, and what good employer support looks like.

* https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/cancer-statistics/statistics-by-cancer-type/uterine-cancer#heading-Four

** https://www.england.nhs.uk/2023/11/women-urged-to-take-up-nhs-cervical-screening-invitations/


To register please click here

This 40-min webinar will take place on Thurs 17th Oct 2024, at 11:00hrs and will be hosted on Zoom.

If you would like to submit a question for our expert speaker, please do so via email to eb.enquiries@generali.co.uk no later than Friday 11th Oct 2024.

A recording will be made available to all registered attendees after the event.

Expert Speakers

Webinar - Cervical cancer screening: The vital role for employers

Prof. Gordon Wishart MBChB MA (Cantab.) MD FRCS (Eng.) FRCS (Gen.) 
CEO & Chief Medical Officer

Professor Gordon Wishart is the former Director of the Cambridge Breast Unit from 2005-2010, and current Visiting Professor of Cancer Surgery at Anglia Ruskin University since 2008. He has a strong track record in clinical research, with more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. In 2010 he led a team of clinicians and scientists that developed the PREDICT breast cancer treatment and survival model, now used worldwide. 

Professor Wishart is also the founder, CEO & Chief Medical Officer of Cambridge-based Check4Cancer, a leading early cancer detection company. In 2016 Check4Cancer launched rapid access, streamlined and audited diagnostic pathways for breast and skin cancer to the insured and self-pay markets, leading to the award of “Diagnostic Provider of the Year” at the annual Health Investor Awards in 2018. Check4Cancer has recently developed cancer risk assessment and impact models that underpin risk-stratified cancer screening programmes, with education and behavioural change at the centre of a cancer prevention strategy, resulting in the 2022 Laing Buisson “Innovation in Health Tech” award for the MyCancerRisk programme.

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